When I spoke to Joanie on the phone she was terrified and desperate. She was in so much pain, and yet so afraid of having a session that she had previously cancelled me twice. The third time she kept her phone appointment. She suffered from chronic pain down the right side of her neck and shoulder, down her back and into her arm and hand. This pain had been going on for eight months and she told me she had only had a couple of hours sleep a night for many months. She had not been able to work, was depressed and she was at her wits end. Her pain level was consistently at a 9 or 10.

When I asked her what happened in her life around eight months ago she couldn't remember anything of importance. I explained that our body has almost unlimited restorative healing capabilities if there is a free flow of energy in the meridians. Whenever our physical body is feeling less than perfect, it is asking us to look at our emotional body. Something had probably happened around the time this pain started. Intuitively I knew that working on the pain alone was not going to produce the change I wanted. The fact that she had cancelled me twice and was so afraid, led me to believe some kind of emotional trauma was being suppressed.

Again I asked her if anything out of the ordinary had happened eight months ago when this pain started. She couldn't think of anything.

I mentioned that even though she couldn't think of anything right now her sub-conscious and super conscious were both holding the necessary information. I suggested we start tapping and we would see if anything came up. We started rubbing the reversal points:
"Even though I can't remember what happened eight months ago, I love and accept myself anyway."
"Even though part of me may be afraid to remember if anything happened that was very upsetting, I'm still quite wonderful anyway."

We moved to the gamut point and tapped on:
My subconscious knows if anything happened, and my super conscious is always protecting me."
"I would like to believe that I am in safe hands, and its safe for me to bring any situation connected with my pain into my conscious mind."

"We continued tapping on different points. Bingo! Joanie blurted out.eight months ago my mother died!

Yes, that was a painful experience!

Joanie's mother had always been a strong support system helping Joanie to believe in herself. She depended on her mother so much that she had always been afraid that without her mother she wouldn't want to live.

Joanie was married to a very sweet and gentle man, and when her mother crossed over she didn't want him to know that she felt like dying. She didn't want him to feel that her mother meant more to her than his love for her.

She had so much internal pain connected with the loss of her support system...her mother, and guilt over not wanting to hurt her husband that she stuffed it all inside. She chose not to deal with it to the point of blocking it out...but her physical body had other ideas.

We tapped on:
"My husband loves me so much he does not want me to be in pain and it's okay to talk to him about how much I miss my mother."
"I'm safe and loved and he will understand how I feel."
"Now that I am safe enough to acknowledge my inner pain, it no longer needs to manifest as outer pain."
"Thank you wonderful physical body for bringing my attention to emotions that needed to be addressed."
We did a few rounds on releasing the sadness.
"I have a lot if pain inside as I miss my mother so much."
Joanie then held the points under her eyes without tapping.
"My pain on the inside is manifesting on the outside, I'd like to let it go." She took three deep breaths.
"My pain on the inside no longer needs to manifest on the outside as I allow myself to release it."
She took three more deep breaths, and we began to re-frame the loss.

Joanie acknowledged that her mother would not want her to be sad and in pain, and being sad wasn't accomplishing anything useful. Her mother would want her become strong and enjoy her wonderful husband.

We continued tapping:
"The last thing my mother would want is for me to be in pain."
"My mother always wanted me to be happy with my husband."
Joanie's level of pain was now down to a two and was in her neck.
We continued tapping:
"Even though I have this two pain in my neck I really am terrific anyway."
"Even if this pain in my neck is me, I'm still quite wonderful anyway."
"I don't need to be a pain in the neck to myself or anyone else, I'm ready to heal and be happy and productive.'
She laughed out loud and said the pain was all gone, and she was looking forward to speaking openly with her husband.

Joanie no longer had any guilt connected with not loving her husband enough, as she accepted how we love different people differently. Her love for her husband was very special in its own unique way.

We talked about her going back to work and feeling as if she had a purpose, she was so amazed and excited that she was pain free and felt so differently than she had at the beginning of the phone call.

She did start working again with her husband and is still pain free.

Again and again I see pain and illness lift and disappear even when painkillers are not having any effect, what an incredible tool we have in our own hands.

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